
Haarlem, Nederland

The monumental building we live in.

The monumental building we live in.

Kitchen and dining room.

Kitchen and dining room.

Living room.

Living room.





One of the bathrooms.

One of the bathrooms.

One of the sleeping rooms.

One of the sleeping rooms.

Garden room, especially nice in summertime, overlooking garden and park.

Garden room, especially nice in summertime, overlooking garden and park.

View on the park from back of our house.

View on the park from back of our house.

Dune lake, 3 km or 10 minutes by bike. Safe for even small children. And very nice for a picknick at the end of the day.

Dune lake, 3 km or 10 minutes by bike. Safe for even small children. And very nice for a picknick at the end of the day.

Grote Markt, city centre of Haarlem.

Grote Markt, city centre of Haarlem.

Cityhall of Haarlem.

Cityhall of Haarlem.

North sea within 10 kms, easily reached by bike, car or train

North sea within 10 kms, easily reached by bike, car or train

Amsterdam canals, museums, concerts on a 15 km distance or 15 minutes by train

Amsterdam canals, museums, concerts on a 15 km distance or 15 minutes by train

The girls, 15, 17 and 18 years old in 2018.

The girls, 15, 17 and 18 years old in 2018.


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Monumental, yet friendly house in Haarlem, Netherlands

Our big, monumental house (1865) in Haarlem, with child friendly garden is very convenient for people that are interested in either historic Haarlem (www.haarlem.nl) or cosmopolitic Amsterdam, and ideal for people that want to combine citylife with dunes and sea. It's situated in an 19th century park, and opposite the railway station. Wandering around or shopping in the historical centre of Haarlem (the nr. 1 shopping city in the Netherlands) is great. Rich of museums, including Teylers museum, which is the oldest museum in Haarlem, Frans Hals museum etc. and full of restaurants and cafes.
The house has room for up to 8 people comfortably. We're a family with three grown up daughters, but the house is also equipped for younger children. The big garden in the park contains a trampoline. Our cats are very easy with adults as well as children. We could ask a friend to take of them if that's a problem.

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  • 1 Voksne
  • 3 Barn
  • 7 Boligbytter gjennomført


  • consultant

Vårt hjem

  • Hustype: Hus
  • Miljøinnstilling: I byen
  • Soverom: 4
  • Baderom: 3
  • Overnattingskapasitet: 8
  • Boareal: 250 m2


I mitt hjem

  • Kjæledyr - Ikke tillatt
  • Små barn - Tillatt


  • Boligbytte
  • Besøke hverandre


  • Fri adgang til internett
  • Sentralvarme
  • Leker og spill
  • Vaskemaskin
  • Oppvaskmaskin
  • Tørketrommel
  • TV
  • Piano
  • Gitar


  • Hage
  • Balkong
  • Lekeplass
  • Sykler: 4


  • Røykfritt
  • Bruk/Bytte bil
  • Kjæledyrpass ønskes

Våre ferieønsker

  • Åpent for ethvert tilbud
  • Europe
  • Croatia
  • Iceland
  • United States

Språk du snakker

  • Engelsk
  • snakker/skriver fransk
  • snakker/skriver tysk
  • snakker/skriver hollandsk


  • consultant


  • Jente - Alder: 26
  • Jente - Alder: 25
  • Jente - Alder: 23


  • Two cats


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