Mering, Tyskland

Medlem siden
2008Medlemmet har ikke spesifisert noen datoer
House in Mering and a flat in Regensburg, Germany
Big and beautiful house with a nice and big garden near Munich, the bavarian capital (25 minutes by train) and the Bavarian lakes (1 hour), situated in a wonderful landscape.
Mering is a small town, but it has everything you need: Lots of shops, a nice market square with an ice cream parlour, a small outdoor swimming pool, lots of playgrounds. There are also various bathing spots on the Lech and at some lakes around Mering, such as the Ilsesee in Königsbrunn. The western forests or the Lechauen invite you to take long walks.
If you like culture, you will find in Munich and Augsburg many sightseeing points: theaters, concerts, cabaret, museums, churches all over the city.
- 2 Voksne
- 2 Barn
- 10 Boligbytter gjennomført
- Universitätsprofessoren
- Universitätsprofessoren
Vårt hjem
- Hustype: Hus
- Etasje: 0
- Miljøinnstilling: I en liten by
- Soverom: 3
- Baderom: 2
- Overnattingskapasitet: 5
I mitt hjem
- Kjæledyr - Tillatt
- Små barn - Tillatt
- Boligbytte
- Fri adgang til internett
- PC tilgjengelig
- Badekar eller jacuzzi
- Sentralvarme
- Vaskemaskin
- Oppvaskmaskin
- TV
- Piano
- Hage
- Terrasse eller veranda
- Balkong
- Sykler: 3
- Bruk/Bytte bil
Våre ferieønsker
- Åpent for ethvert tilbud
- Switzerland
- Austria
- Europe
- Italy
- France
- Poland
- Baltic Sea
- Denmark
Språk du snakker
- Engelsk
- snakker/skriver italiensk
- snakker/skriver fransk
- snakker/skriver tysk
Vårt nabolag

Nærmeste flyplass: München - 1,5 hrs
- Universitätsprofessoren
- Universitätsprofessoren
- Gutt - Alder: 34
- Jente - Alder: 32
- Lucky, our dog will come with us.
Dette medlemmet har fullført 10 boligbytter. De som refereres til nedenfor kan inneholde tilbakemeldinger/inntrykk fra utvekslingspartnerne:

Gifhorn, Tyskland
Premia de Mar, Spania
Villaz, Frankrike
FR070292The Enders/Brenner family was very welcoming and responded very quickly in case of any concerns. Their house and garden are very nice. The family took good care of our animals during our exchange. We had a very nice holiday in Mering.

Taberg, Sverige
Ljungbyhed, Sverige