
Tvååker, Sverige


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A nice house on the west coast of Sweden

A nice house with a nice garden, 5 km from the sea. 13 km to the city of Varberg. A small town with a nice square market every Wednesday and Saturday. 15 km to the city of Falkenberg. And 100km (40 minutes) train to Gothenburg.

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  • 2 Voksne
  • 0 Barn
  • 3 Boligbytter gjennomført


  • Arne är pensionär.
  • Lill arbetar som massör och yogalärare.

Vårt hjem

  • Hustype: Hus
  • Etasje: 2
  • Miljøinnstilling: På landet
  • Soverom: 3
  • Baderom: 2
  • Overnattingskapasitet: 6


I mitt hjem

  • Kjæledyr - Ikke tillatt
  • Små barn - Ikke tillatt


  • Boligbytte


  • Fri adgang til internett
  • Air condition
  • Sentralvarme
  • Vaskemaskin
  • Oppvaskmaskin
  • TV


  • Hage
  • Terrasse eller veranda
  • BBQ
  • Privat badstu
  • Sykler: 2


  • Røykfritt
  • Bruk/Bytte bil

Våre ferieønsker

  • Åpent for ethvert tilbud
  • Finland
  • Sweden
  • Italy
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • France
  • Germany
  • Denmark

Språk du snakker

  • Engelsk
  • Finsk
  • Norsk
  • Svensk

Vårt nabolag

Nærmeste flyplass: Landvetter Göteborg -

Our home is situated in Tvååker, a small village, south of Varberg.
Varberg is a town next to the ocean on the west coast of southern Sweden. It's also known as Sweden's "surf and spa city".

Gothenburg, Swedens second city, is about 40 minutes away by train and less than an hour by car.

For more information about Varberg, see: www.visitvarberg.se, Gothenburg: www.goteborg.com

From the house it's only 5 km to Träslövsläge.
The whole area is a protected nature reserve. In Träslövsläge (or "Läjet" as it is called by locals) you can buy fresh fish, shrimps and lobster. You’ll also find a famous ice cream café. The older parts of Läjet have narrow streets with well-preserved, cute old wooden houses.

If your interested in nature we have the Åkulla bokskogar 10 km away.
Read more on www.akullabokskogar.nu
Its a nature area 20 lakes and twelve nature reserves. Lots of hiking trails.

In the town Varberg, about 13 km away, there are lots of nice sandy and rocky beaches and a big fortress.

There are bike lanes almost everywhere in the community and if you want to you may borrow our bikes.

From a bus stop nearby the bus leaves 2 times/hour. To Varberg and Falkenberg.
Car exchange may also be possible.

If you want to explore more of Sweden and Scandinavia, Sweden's third biggest city Malmö is about 2 hours away and Copenhagen 3 hours by car (also possible to go by train).

For more information, don't hesitate to contact us. We can communicate in Swedish/English and understand Danish,Norwegian and Finnish

Oversett dette


  • Arne är pensionär.
  • Lill arbetar som massör och yogalärare.


  • Ingen barn er lagt til


  • Ingen kjæledyr er lagt til


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